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Computer-controlled ground and undersea vehicle STEM Educational Program
Porpoise Robotics is an affordable education-focused unmanned vehicle systems program integrated with STEM education for middle and high school students
  • Pathfinder 4-wheel ground vehicles are controlled by an ESP-32 computer, have 32 neopixel LEDs for car lights or displays. There are four servo plus 16VDC and 5VDC available outputs and a topside plate suitable for breadboarding and sensor mounting.

  • The ESP-32 is similar to the Arduino 2680 plus it has onboard blue-tooth and WiFi. Programming in C/C++ via the Arduino Integrated Development Environment (IDE). Pre-programmed maneuvers or Ps3 bluetooth control.

  • Explorer Remotely Operated Vehicles (ROVs) have a 150 ft fiber-optic tether for low drag and maximum stability. They have four thrusters for surge, yaw, pitch and heave control. There are onboard IMU, depth, temperature, voltage and leak sensors. There is an inboard camera and outboard neopixel LED lighting. White, blue-green and red lighting controls optimize camera performance. A simple lever system allows battery replacement for quick turn-arounds without any tools.

  • The Raspberry Pi-4 handles ethernet communication, real-time camera data and navigation/control processing. The ESP-32 handles sensor input and effector output. Python programs and editors are provided. Topside operation via Ps3 bluetooth joystick. The topside PC has camera, navigation, ship control and status displays. A separate low-cost Development Systems is used for both learning and integrating new sensors.

  • Courses conclude with a fun day of drag races and demolition derby for ground vehicles or bench top, pool and ocean exploration for undersea ROVs..


PATHFINDER Sensor and Effector Integration


Explorer Development System


Porpoise Robotics makes unmanned vehicle and STEM education fun and easy to learn and teach.

In a 15 hour STEM course, you and your team will learn about ground or undersea vehicle functions, architecture and operation. You will understand how small computers, motors, neopixel LEDs and blue-tooth joysticks work, modify example programs, control vehicles and lights with a joystick. You will compete in ground vehicle drag races or operate undersea vehicles in pools and ocean.

Porpoise Robotics is an affordable education-focused unmanned vehicle systems program integrated with STEM education for middle and high school students

Porpoise Robotics Website Home Page Course Description

15-hour Ground Vehicle STEM Camp Agenda

Lesson 1: Introduction and Pathfinder vehicle architecture.

Lesson 2: Learn about the ESP-32 Arduino cpmpatible computers and programming. Learn the control programs and how to modify ground vehicle C++ programs.

Lesson 3: Learn about the structure, physics and programming of neopixel LEDs.

Lesson 4: Learn about SONY PS# functions, interfacing, changing their address and controlling maneuvers and lights.

Lesson 5: Program the Racecar, compete in drag race and control vehicles & LEDs with joystick.

Pathfinder Vehicle Left Side

4-wheel drive, 12 mph, ESP-32 Arduino compatible, Li-Poly batteries, 32 Neopixel LEDs simulate car lights

Pathfinder Ground Vehicle programmable in C++, Ps3 Joystick control for neopixel LED bars

18-hour Undersea Remotely Operated Vehicle STEM Camp Agenda

Lesson 1: Introduction and ROV Functional Block Diagram

Lesson 2: Learn about the Arduino or Raspberry Pi computers and programming.

Assemble breadboard circuits and modify C++ or Python programs

Lesson 3: Assemble the Remotely Operated Vehicle with computer, sensors and LEDs, power and switching. Perform electrical and communication checks.

Lesson 4: Program the ROV, bench test computer, ethernet connection, camera still and movie display, light control, joystick control of thrusters.

Lesson 5: Perform in-water (pool) testing of ROV.

Lesson 6 Perform shallow water testing of ROV in ocean environment.

Explorer ROV with Fiber-Optic Tether

Explorer ROV Outline

Explorer ROV Front End